Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

在缅因州领先的健康专业大学开始你的口腔卫生有益的职业生涯. Join our supportive community of faculty and students, 并在波特兰校园口腔卫生诊所帮助真正的病人.

Earn Your Dental Hygiene Degree in Maine

你想通过在口腔疾病预防领域的实践来服务你的社区吗? At our on-campus clinic, 您将向专家教授学习,同时获得与当地患者的实践经验. 我们强调医疗保健专业的团队合作, 你将从全球网络赌博平台的口腔卫生学士学位课程中毕业,对你的领域有深入的了解,并准备好进行全面的护理,让你的病人面带微笑.

如果你已经持有口腔卫生副学士学位,你可以加入我们 完成课程,获得四年制学士学位 并享受它带来的扩展的职业机会.

Why UNE for your B.S. in Dental Hygiene

  • 全球网络赌博平台是缅因州毕业生就业排名第一的大学——Zippia
  • UNE是缅因州领先的卫生大学,也是该州卫生专业人员的第一提供者
  • Begin a meaningful, secure career of helping others
  • 首先在美丽的比德福德海岸校区进行两年的基础学习
  • 你最后两年的临床学习将在波特兰校区进行, building skills in our modern, on-campus dental hygiene clinic
  • 你会感受到我们热情的社区和低师生比例的支持
  • 与牙科学生合作学习和实践的机会
Testimonial Place Holder

Case study projects, the Yankee Dental Convention, community health class, 以及口腔卫生诊所都能帮助学生跟上时代, and provide us with hands on experience.

Dental Hygiene (4-Year B.S.)

What Will You Study? Dental Hygiene Degree Curriculum Overview


  • Oral Pathology
  • Radiology
  • Community Health
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Pharmacology
  • Pain Management


WCHP Common RequirementsCredits
BIO 104/104L – General Biology w/Lab4
生物208/208L -解剖学和生理学入门I /Lab4
生物209/209L -解剖学和生理学导论II带实验室4
BIO 242/242L – Applied Microbiology w/Lab4
BIO 309 – Pathophysiology3
CHE 130/130L – Principles of Chemistry w/Lab4
DEN 201 – Histology and Embryology2
ENG 110 – English Composition4
IHS 130 -跨专业医疗保健第一年的经验3
IHS 210 – Methods of Scholarly Inquiry3
IHS 310 – Ethics for Interprofessional Practice3
MAT 120 – Statistics3
NUTR 220 – Nutrition3
PSY 105 – Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 250 – Lifespan Development3
SOC 150 – Introduction to Sociology3
SPC 100 – Effective Public Speaking3
一(1)创意艺术课程(前缀ARH, ART或MUS)3
One (1) 276 or 278人类传统课程,有以下前缀:ARH, ENG, HIS, LIL, PHI, PSC或REL3
Total Credits62
Program Required CoursesCredits
DEN 100 – Introduction to Dental Hygiene1
DEN 303 – Dental Hygiene Theory I2
DEN 304 – Dental Hygiene Theory II2
DEN 309 – Dental Hygiene Clinic I4
DEN 312 – Dental Hygiene Clinic II2
DEN 322/322L – Radiology w/Lab3
DEN 325/325L – Preservation of Tooth Structure w/Lab3
DEN 332 – Community Health I2
DEN 334 – Community Health II2
DEN 338 – Medical Emergencies1
DEN 341 – Oral Anatomy2
DEN 342 – Head and Neck Anatomy2
DEN 403 – Dental Hygiene Theory III1
DEN 404 – Dental Hygiene Theory IV1
DEN 410 – Dental Hygiene Clinic III4
DEN 411 – Dental Hygiene Clinic IV4
DEN 422 – Leadership2
DEN 425 – Periodontology I3
DEN 435 – Periodontology II3
DEN 442 – Pharmacology2
DEN 445 – Special Care I2
DEN 446 – Special Care II2
DEN 452 – Oral Pathology3
DEN 456 – Pain Management3
Total Credits56
Open Electives (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Total Required Credits120

口腔卫生专业的学生可以选择攻读健康科学专业的学士学位. 这个学位只对全球网络赌博平台录取的学生开放. 必须获得学生指导老师和威斯布鲁克卫生专业学院院长的特别许可才能注册B级课程.S. with a major in Health Sciences.

To learn more about the program view the Academic Catalog.

Take a Tour of Our Dental Hygiene Facilities

Career Paths for Dental Hygiene Majors

具备作为文科基础的一部分的批判性思维能力, your theoretical knowledge of dental hygiene, 通过与病人和其他卫生保健专业人员的临床工作,你获得了实践和人际交往的专业知识, 作为一名牙科保健师,你将在你的职业道路上取得很好的成绩. 你可以在公司从事临床或行政工作, nonprofit, educational, or public health settings, such as:

  • Private Dental Practices
  • Health Service Corps
  • Clinics and Hospitals
  • Nursing Homes
  • Private Businesses (Sales and Development)
  • Schools
  • Public Health Agencies

Scope of Practice

牙科保健师在许多不同的环境和不同程度的监督下工作. 每个州都制定自己的法律,确定牙科保健师可以提供的服务, the settings in which they can practice, and the supervision under which they practice.

各州允许的功能和监管要求差别很大. 要验证这些要求,请联系您所在州的牙科委员会. 口腔卫生劳动力研究中心也提供了一个有趣的概述,在口腔卫生实践范围的变化由国家. 按州查看ADHA的许可职能和监管级别(PDF)

Career Advising in the Dental Hygiene Program

无论你心中有一个明确的职业目标,还是对自己感兴趣的领域有一个模糊的概念, Career Advising is here to help you plan your next step.

Dental Hygiene Careers By The Numbers


expected rate of dental hygienist job growth from 2016 to 2026


New hygienist jobs expected to open in U.S. between 2016 and 2026

Experiential Education in Dental Hygiene

  • Gain knowledge, skills, and confidence
  • Practice technique in the Dental Simulation Lab
  • 在校园科尔曼诊所为不同的人群服务
  • Provide a wide range of patient services

Medical Emergency Training for Dental Hygiene Students

Dental Hygiene students work with Dental Medicine students in the Interprofessional Simulation and Innovation Center training for medical emergencies. 

Interprofessional Education

As a student in UNE's Dental Hygiene program, 您有独特的机会与各种不同的卫生专业项目的学生合作,提供高质量的服务, patient-centered care. You will continue to use these interprofessional team-based 毕业后在临床工作场所学习技能. 从仅有的几所拥有综合性医疗保健使命的私立大学之一毕业,收获个人和职业上的好处.

无论你的专业是什么,总有机会学到新的东西,并在你的职业生涯中使用它. 我们都想帮助别人,互相学习是最好的方式.” — Baylee Flemming, RDH ’21



Apply Today

准备开始你的未来,并在UNE的口腔卫生理学学士学位学习? Get started today.