1. Important notice

This is the Privacy Notice of the University of New England whose principal mailing address is at 11 Hills Beach Road, Biddeford, Maine 04005, United States of America (“UNE”, “we”, (“我们”或“我们的”),并说明我们如何收集和处理您的个人资料. 本隐私声明还提供法律要求的某些信息,并列出与您的个人数据相关的权利.

本隐私声明涉及识别“您”即学生的个人信息, prospective students, individuals who browse our website, or individuals outside our organization with whom we interact. If you are an employee, 承包商或以其他方式为我们工作或申请为我们工作, a separate privacy notice applies to you instead.


This Privacy Notice is not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect personal data relating to children. Additionally, this Privacy Notice is not intended to apply to personal data collection during the recruitment of employees, for which there is a separate privacy policy.

This Privacy Notice may vary from time to time. 每次我们更新本隐私声明时,我们都会在我们的网站上发布.

2. How to contact us

  1. Data controller and contact details
    • For the purposes of relevant data protection legislation, 我们是您个人数据的控制人,作为控制人,我们根据本隐私声明使用我们持有的有关您的个人数据.
    • 如果您(i)希望随时选择不接收我们的营销通信或更改您的营销偏好, 或(ii)需要就我们使用或处理您的个人数据与我们联系, or gain access to it, or to correct your personal data held by us, 请联络我们的资料私隐经理(电邮地址载于第2b段).
  2. Data Privacy Manager

3. Categories of personal data we collect

The categories of personal data about you that we may collect, use, store, share, and transfer are:

  • Individual Data. This includes personal data which relates to your identity, such as your first name, middle name, last name, username or similar identifier, marital status, title, date of birth and gender, your contact details such as your billing address, delivery address, email address and telephone numbers, prior and current education records such as your transcripts, grades and class registrations, and your disciplinary records, 社会安全号码(或美国以外国家的同等号码(如果有)), and your taxpayer ID number; 
  • Account and Profile Data, 其中包括与您在我们网站上的帐户或个人资料有关的个人资料, such as your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses;
  • Advertising Data. 这包括与您的广告偏好相关的个人数据, 例如,您在接收我们和我们的第三方营销材料时的偏好信息、您的通信偏好以及您的个人兴趣;
  • Information Technology Data. This includes personal data which relates to your use of our website, such as your internet protocol (IP) address, login data, traffic data, weblogs and other communication data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access our website;
  • Economic and Financial Data. This includes personal data which relates to your finances, such as your tax returns and supporting financial information, bank account and payment card details and information which we collect from you for the purposes of the prevention of fraud;
  • Sales Data. 这包括与您与我们进行的交易有关的个人资料, such as details about payments to and from you, 订阅我们的服务或出版物的详细信息以及您向我们购买的产品和服务的其他详细信息(其中可能包括, but is not limited to, purchases of food and products, tuition payments and financial aid transactions); and
  • Health Data. 这包括出于健康和安全目的而收集的个人数据,包括任何事故报告或索赔记录,或您在预订过程中或在我们的某个地点提供的有关过敏或其他医疗状况的任何信息.

We may also create Personal Data about you, for example, if you contact us by telephone to make a complaint, for example about our services or goods, then we may make a written record of key details of the conversation so that we can take steps to address the complaint.

We also obtain and use certain aggregated data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose (“Aggregated Data”). Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data but does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, 我们可能会汇总您的信息技术数据,以计算访问我们网站上特定功能的用户百分比. However, if we re-combine or re-connect Aggregated Data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
In addition, 我们可能会获取您某些特殊类别的数据(“特殊类别的数据”), 本隐私声明具体说明我们如何处理这些类型的个人数据. The Special Categories of Data that we collect are: (i) personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin that we are required to collect pursuant to applicable laws or regulations (“Racial Data”); and (ii) data concerning health, including, but not limited to, 以前和目前的免疫接种以及其他健康或医疗记录(“医疗数据”).  

We also collect information about criminal convictions and offenses when required by applicable laws or regulations.

4. The sources from which we obtain your personal data

We obtain your personal data from the following sources:

  • Directly from you, either in person (at our locations or otherwise), via our website or by telephone, computing systems or via handheld devices. This could include personal data which you provide when you:
    • 订购我们的产品或服务或参加我们的计划;
    • submit an application for our programs;
    • subscribe to our publications;
    • request information on our programs, products or services or for other marketing to be sent to you;
    • enter into a competition or promotion that we may offer;
    • complete a survey from us or give us feedback; and
    • 参与我们提供的任何活动或服务,无论是在我们的场所内还是在我们的场所外.
  • 我们可能会自动收集有关您设备的信息技术数据, browsing actions and patterns by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. We may also receive Information Technology Data about you if you visit other websites employing our cookies. 详情请参阅第6段的cookie和日志文件政策.
  • Third parties, such as:
    • analytics providers;
    • our provider of customer/student feedback;
    • our provider of online applications and information submissions;
    • advertising networks;
    • search information providers;
    • providers of technical, payment and delivery services;
    • data brokers or aggregators; and
    • providers of social media platforms (such as Facebook, 推特和Instagram),你可以通过社交媒体分享我们的内容, for example, by liking us on Facebook, following or tweeting about us on Twitter;
  • Publically available sources, 例如电子(如因特网)和硬拷贝(如报纸)媒介.

5. How we use your personal data and our basis for using it

a) Where we are relying on a basis other than consent

b) Where we may rely on consent

我们可能会在事先征得您同意的情况下,将您的个人资料用于某些适当的目的. 同意的法律依据仅用于完全自愿的处理,而不用于任何必要或强制性的处理.  You may at any time withdraw the specific consent you give to our processing your personal data.


6. Cookies and log files

Cookies are text files stored on your computer and accessible only to the websites which create them. 我们的网站或附属网站可能会使用cookie来确保您登录到网站的安全区域和/或在您与某些服务互动时跟踪您的偏好. You may disable cookies in your browser, however, our websites may not work properly or efficiently if you do so.

Our websites automatically gather anonymous information about our visitors including browser types, and the times and dates of webpage visits, referred to as log files. 所收集的信息不包括任何可识别个人身份的详细信息,并用于改进我们的服务和管理我们的网站.  You can manage your ad choices and opt out of advertising networks at these websites (but not limited to):

  •       The Digital Advertising Alliance (Adroll, Facebook and LinkedIn)
  •       Pandora
  •       Semcasting
  •       Oath (formally Yahoo and AOL)

7. Who receives your personal data

We may disclose your personal data to:

  • third party data processors who may process data on our behalf to enable us to carry out our usual business practices. Any such disclosure will only be so that we can process your personal data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice;
  • legal and other regulators or authorities, including those who request your personal data or to report any potential or actual breach of applicable law or regulation;
  • 外部专业顾问,如会计师、银行家、保险公司、审计师和律师;
  • law enforcement agencies, courts or other relevant parties, to the extent necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights;
  • third parties where necessary for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offenses or the execution of criminal penalties; and
  • third party analytics providers.

8. Personal data about other people which you provide to us

如果您向我们提供有关他人的个人资料,您必须确保您有权向我们披露该等个人资料, without our taking any further steps, we may collect, 如本私隐声明所述,使用及披露该等个人资料.

You must ensure the individual concerned is aware of the various matters detailed in this Privacy Notice, as those matters relate to that individual, including our identity, how to contact us, 我们收集和使用个人资料的方式,以及我们披露个人资料的做法, that individual's right to obtain access to the personal data and make complaints about the handling of the personal data, and the consequences if the personal data is not provided.

9. Accuracy of your personal information

重要的是,我们持有的有关您的个人资料是准确和最新的,我们采取一切合理的预防措施来确保这一点,但我们不承诺检查或核实您提供的个人资料的准确性.  在您与我们的关系中,如果您的个人资料有任何更改,请通过第2b段所述的电子邮件地址与我们的资料私隐经理联络,以通知我们。. We will not be responsible for any losses arising from any inaccurate, inauthentic, deficient, or incomplete personal data that you provide to us.

10. International transfers of personal data

Personal data we collect from you may be transferred, stored, and/or processed outside the European Economic Area, specifically in the United States.

In connection with such transfers, 我们将在欧盟-美国隐私之盾合规框架下应用与隐私之盾原则要求的至少相同级别的保护.

11. How long will we store your personal data

We will store your personal data for the time period which is necessary for the purposes for which we collected such data.  我们保留审查您个人资料的时间长度.

12. 合约或法定要求您提供个人资料

In certain circumstances the provision of personal data by you is a requirement to comply with the law or a contract, or necessary to enter into a contract.

您可以选择向我们提供签订合同所必需的个人资料,还是作为合同要求的一部分. 如果您不提供您的个人资料,那么不提供您的个人资料的后果是,我们可能无法按照您与我们的合同所期望的水平行事. 这方面的一个例子是,我们无法为您提供某些程序, products or services as we do not have your full details, or where we cannot perform our contract with you at all because we rely on the personal data you provide in order to do so.

13. Your rights in relation to your personal data

Subject to applicable law including relevant data protection laws, in addition to your ability to withdraw any consent you have given to our processing your personal data (see paragraph 0), 在处理您的个人数据方面,您可能拥有多项权利, including:

  • 要求访问我们处理或控制的您的个人数据的权利;
  • 有权要求更正您的个人资料中的任何不准确之处, taking into account the purposes of our processing, to request that incomplete data is completed;
  • the right to request, on legitimate grounds as specified in law:
    • erasure of your personal data that we process or control; or
    • 限制我们处理或控制的您的个人数据的处理;
  • the right to object, on legitimate grounds as specified in law, to the processing of your personal data;
  • the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have your personal data transferred to another controller, to the extent applicable in law; and
  • the right to lodge complaints regarding the processing of your personal data with the relevant supervisory body.

If you would like to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us using the contact details set out in paragraph 2b).  

Appendix A


(Refer to paragraph 5a)

Purposes for which we process your personal data Categories of personal data The basis on which we can do this (this is what the law allows)


  • Individual Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Account and Profile Data.

The processing is necessary:

  • To perform a contract with you; and
  • 我们在向您提供教育、商品和服务方面的合法权益.

In order to perform our contractual obligations to you. This would include:

  • processing and performing any applications and orders placed by you;
  • making or receiving payments, fees and charges; and
  • collecting and recovering money owed.
  • Individual Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Account and Profile Data.

The processing is necessary:

  • To perform any contract entered into with you; and
  • Our legitimate interest in recovering debts owed to us.

In order to comply with our own legal obligations, e.g. health and safety legislation, or to assist in an investigation (e.g. from the police).

  • Individual Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Health Data.

The processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.

In order to use your personal data in life or death situations and there is no time to gain your consent (e.g. 如果发生意外,我们必须将您的个人信息提供给医务人员).

  • Individual Data;
  • Health Data.


In order to manage our relationship with you including:

  • 向您发送重要通知,例如全球网络赌博平台的条款、条件和政策变更的通信(包括本隐私声明);
  • to provide you with important real-time information about programs, 您已向我们订购或已登记的产品或服务(e).g. a change of time or location due to unforeseen circumstances);
  • to send you information you have requested;
  • to deal with your inquiries; and
  • to ask you to leave a review or feedback on us.
  • Individual Data;
  • Account and Profile Data;
  • Advertising Data;
  • Information Technology Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Sales Data.


In order to administer and protect our business and organization, 处理任何滥用我们网站的行为,并在我们的地点遵守我们的安全政策.

  • Individual Data;
  • Account and Profile Data;
  • Advertising Data;
  • Information Technology Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Sales Data.

The processing is necessary:

  • 为我们提供行政及资讯科技服务的合法权益, network security, and to prevent fraud; and
  • necessary to comply with the law.

以便对节目提出建议和推荐, goods or services that may be of interest to you, deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and to measure or understand the effectiveness of our advertising.

  • Individual Data;
  • Account and Profile Data;
  • Advertising Data;
  • Information Technology Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Sales Data.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests to study how individuals use our programs/products/services, to develop our programs, products and services and ensure our marketing is relevant to you, 发展我们的机构和业务,并为我们的营销策略提供信息.

For internal purposes to use data analytics, to identify usage trends, determine and measure the effectiveness of promotional campaigns and advertising and to improve our website, programs/products/services, marketing, student and customer relationships and experiences.

  • Individual Data;
  • Account and Profile Data;
  • Advertising Data;
  • Information Technology Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Sales Data.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests in defining types of students and customers for our programs, products and services, to keep our website updated and relevant, 发展我们的机构和业务,并告知我们的市场策略.

To communicate with you about, and administer your participation in, our academic, residential and other programs and events.

  • Individual Data;
  • Account and Profile Data;
  • Advertising Data;
  • Information Technology Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Sales Data;
  • Health Data.

The processing is necessary:

  • For performance of a contract with you; and
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests to promote our business.
In order to enforce or apply our policies and procedures.
  • Individual Data;
  • Account and Profile Data;
  • Information Technology Data;
  • Economic and Financial Data;
  • Health Data.

为了保护我们机构的合法利益,这一处理是必要的, business and property and recovering debts owed to us.

此外,我们可能会以某些方式合法地处理特殊类别的数据. We set these out below along with the legal bases on which we process these Special Categories of Data:

Purposes for which we process your personal data Categories of personal data

The basis on which we can do this (this is what the lay allows)

The basis on which we can do this (this is what the law allows)

为了在您生病或受伤或其他相关紧急情况下使用我们所了解的与健康相关的个人数据,或记录您在生活中可能遭受的任何事故或伤害或其他事件, studying at, or visiting any of our campuses or other locations.

  • Medical Data
  1. 对于您可能与我们签订的任何合同,处理是必要的.
  2. The processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.
  3. 为了保护个人的切身利益,这种处理是必要的.
  4. We have a legitimate interest in carrying out the processing, which is not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms. Our legitimate interest is your health, safety and well-being.
  1. 处理是必要的,以便保护您或其他个人的切身利益,而您或个人在身体上或法律上无法给予同意.
  2. 为了预防或职业医学的目的,处理是必要的, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, 在适用法律的基础上,或根据与卫生专业人员签订的合同,并受适用法律下与职业保密相关的条件和保障的基础上,提供卫生或社会保健或卫生或社会保健系统和服务的管理或治疗.

In order to disclose any Special Categories of Data we hold on you, where to do so is in the substantial public interest, 前提是当我们这样做时,我们提供适当的措施来保护您的权利.

  • Medical Data
  1. The processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.
  2. 为了保护个人的切身利益,这种处理是必要的.
  3. We have a legitimate interest in carrying out the processing, which is not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms. 我们的合法利益是公众的健康、安全和福祉.
  1. 处理是必要的,以便保护您或其他个人的切身利益,而您或个人在身体上或法律上无法给予同意.
  2. The processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health for example:
    1. protecting against serious cross-border threats to health;
    2. ensuring high standards of quality and safety of healthcare and of medicinal products or medical devices.

处理必须以适用法律为基础,该法律规定了适当和具体的措施来保护您的权利和自由, in particular professional secrecy.

In order to use the health-related personal data we hold on you to provide you with medical services. This will be subject to usual patient confidentiality rules.

  • Medical Data
  1. 对于您可能与我们签订的任何合同,处理是必要的.
  2. The processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.
  3. 为了保护个人的切身利益,这种处理是必要的.
  4. We have a legitimate interest in carrying out the processing, which is not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms. Our legitimate interest is your health, safety and well-being.
  1. 处理是必要的,以便保护您或其他个人的切身利益,而您或个人在身体上或法律上无法给予同意.
  2. 为了预防或职业医学的目的,处理是必要的, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, 在适用法律的基础上,或根据与卫生专业人员签订的合同,并受适用法律下与职业保密相关的条件和保障的基础上,提供卫生或社会保健或卫生或社会保健系统和服务的管理或治疗.

In order to carry out our archiving role in the public interest (e.g. where we log your racial or ethnic origin), 前提是当我们这样做时,我们提供适当的措施来保护您的权利.

  • Racial Data
  1. The processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.
  1. The processing is necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest; scientific or historical research purposes; or statistical purposes and based on applicable law which shall:
    1. be proportionate to the aim pursued;
    2. respect the essence of the right to data protection; and
    3. 提供适当和具体的措施来维护您的基本权益.