
Loans are a reality for most students but repayment doesn’t have to be a burden. Tools exist to assist you in keeping track of borrowing and managing repayment. 国家学生贷款数据系统(nsds) houses all of your federal loan borrowing history, 包括PLUS贷款, 珀金斯贷款和直接贷款. We highly recommend that you regularly monitor your loan history so there are no surprises when it comes time to begin repayment.

为了让你能负担得起还款, 还款计划 can give you more time to repay your loans or may be 根据你的收入. Contact your loan servicer for helpful guidance on the right plan for you and to review or change your repayment plan. 的 缅因州财政管理局(FAME) also offers information and resources regarding student loan repayment. 

除了, organizations specific to your major may offer debt management management and other financial resources. 例如, the American 物理治疗 Association (APTA) features a resource page for its members.





Federal student loan forgiveness, cancellation, or discharge allows some or all of your federal student loan debt to be forgiven depending upon your employment circumstances. 其他类型的贷款减免见下文.


Knowing what to expect when your grace period ends (typically six months after graduation or withdrawal) is critical to ensure you're prepared to successfully manage repayment of your student loans. Below are some tools that will help you determine your monthly payments and guide you toward creating a budget.


联邦贷款偿还估算器 imports data on federal student loans from National Student Loan Data System and accurately estimates payment based on a variety of loan repayment options.


金融援助贷款计算器 is a general loan repayment calculator for all types (federal and private) of educational loans.


联邦学生援助预算指南 has information on how to create a budget and what to include. This website also includes examples of various types of expenses and links to resources to help you learn what’s typically included in the cost of attending college, 不同学院之间的比较, 降低成本.



缅因州税收抵免 program provides an income tax credit for Maine resident taxpayers who are qualifying graduates (and employers of qualifying graduates) and who make eligible education loan payments on loans obtained to earn:

  • An associate or bachelor’s degree from an accredited Maine college or university after 2007 and before 2016 or
  • An associate or bachelor's degree from an accredited Maine or non-Maine college or university after 2015 or
  • A graduate degree from an accredited Maine college or university after 2015

Eligible graduates must live, work, and pay taxes in Maine.

的 credit is limited to tax except for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, the credit allowed to a program participant is refundable if the program participant obtains an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree in science, 技术, 工程或数学(STEM). Unused portions of the nonrefundable credit may be carried forward for up to 10 years.


欲知详情,请浏览 缅因州国税局 or 在缅因州生活和工作


的 阿尔方领导学生债务减免计划 provides student loan repayment assistance to people who live and work in Maine in a STEM designated occupation at a Maine-based employer.


缅因州牙科教育贷款偿还计划 provides loan repayment assistance to dentists practicing in underserved areas in Maine.

Maine 健康 Care Provider Loan Repayment Pilot Program

Maine 健康 Care Provider Loan Repayment Pilot Program provides one-time funds to support rebuilding Maine’s health care industry workforce. 的 program attracts and retains health care professionals in Maine by repaying outstanding student loans of selected participants who commit to living and working in Maine for at least three years.


护理教育贷款偿还计划 provides student loan repayment assistance to registered nurses working in Maine as nurse educators or relocating to work in Maine in a position as a nurse educator, 在一个护理教育项目.

For more information about the 阿尔方领导学生债务减免计划, the 缅因州牙科教育贷款偿还计划, the Maine 健康 Care Provider Loan Repayment Pilot Program, 护理教育贷款偿还计划 visit the FAME website