在指定的注册时间内, 你可以在学校的任何一台电脑上注册课程, 在家里, 或者在可以上网的工作场所. 校园里的学生实验室和图书馆里都有电脑.

我们建议您至少通读一遍整个指南. 您也可以点击下面的主题以进入文档的特定区域.


登录到 U-在线 并选择以下连结:

  • Student Services; then
  • 登记; then
  • Register and Add/Drop Classes; then
  • 从下拉列表中选择所需的术语.
  • 单击Submit Term按钮

系统会提示你输入备用密码(如果需要的话)。. 输入导师给您的六位数字,然后单击Submit.

在“添加类”工作表中, 在网格中输入所需课程的crn,然后单击Submit Changes.

The Current Schedule screen will show you the courses for which you have been successfully registered. An error grid underneath your registered courses will list the courses for which you were not able to register and will contain a message telling you why the registration was unsuccessful. 可以找到常见错误消息的解释 在本指南中.


To drop a class, go to the Register and Add/Drop Classes screen to view your current schedule. 在您的日程安排中,单击标题为“操作”列中的下拉菜单. 选择DROP选项,然后单击Submit Changes按钮.

请记住,如果你放弃了一门课程,这是另一门课程的必修课.e., 一个与实验室相连的讲座), 你将被两门课程退学,并将在你的错误网格中放置一条消息. 例如, 如果你目前注册了一门生物讲座和实验,然后你放弃了这个实验, 讲座和实验都将从你当前的时间表中删除. You will see a message in the error grid that the lecture was removed because of a "co-requisite" error. To avoid this, always enter the CRN for the new section at the same time as you drop the old section. 例如, 如果你想换实验室, 为旧实验室选择DROP选项,并在CRN网格中输入新实验室的CRN, 然后单击提交更改.


If you want to replace a class already in your schedule with another class (one in your error grid or an entirely new class) you may do so by choosing the DROP option in the Action column of the class you don't want (see 退课须知), 将首选类的CRN放入网格中, 然后单击Submit Changes按钮.

Note: You must put the CRN of the preferred class in the Add Classes grid even if the preferred class is in your error grid.

Important: The system will drop you from the class you choose to DROP even if the class you want to replace it with is already full. Be very careful when dropping a class to make sure you can replace it; you will want to check to make sure that your preferred class has open seats. You can do this by finding the course using the 类搜索 tool and viewing the Detailed Class information.


登记 Errors appear in the error grid when you are unable to register for courses because of administrative or academic restrictions. 经过适当的批准,一些限制可能会被放弃,允许注册. 注册限制撤销表格可向注册主任办公室索取.

封闭的部分: 课程部分已达到最大容量,不再接受额外注册. You may attempt an alternate section of the course or choose a different course at this time, 或者等到添加/删除期间再看是否有座位可用.

储备关闭: 这类似于Closed Section错误,见上文. 虽然可能会有空位, 这些座位由于各种原因被院长办公室“保留”了. 当你得到“Reserve Closed”错误时, 这表示您不符合其中一个预留席位的资格. You may try a different section of the course or you may need to try another course entirely. 

重复的CRN或重复的课程 您已经添加了两次相同的课程/CRN. Take no action; the course will be deleted from the "登记 Errors" section. 如果你要改变课程的部分内容, 在添加新节之前,必须先删除第一个节.

Co-requisite要求: You have selected a course that requires one or more co-requisites (such as a lecture/lab or a learning community). 再加一次必修课程. 请记住同时提交crn. 如果由于某种原因你不能按规定修习该课程及其附属必修课程, you must seek approval from the department chair and submit a 登记 Restriction Override Form to the 注册商's Office so that an override may be placed on your record.

CRN不存在: 系统无法识别该CRN. 您可能输入了错误的号码,或者课程被取消了. 检查课程列表中的CRN,确保你有一个正确的. 如果仍然失败,请联系注册办公室.

学习领域-主修或副修: 注册资格是基于你所申报的专业或辅修. To register for a course you must seek approval from the department chair and submit a 登记 Restriction Override Form to the 注册商's Office so that an override may be placed on your record.

前提条件和考试成绩错误: 你没有满足课程的一项或多项先决条件. To register for the course you must seek approval from the department chair and submit a 登记 Restriction Override Form to the 注册商's Office so that an override may be placed on your record. 如果缺少的先决条件是转学课程, contact the 注册商's Office so that we may research the course and place an override (if appropriate) on your record so that you may register.

时间冲突(CRN): 要么选择另一门课程,要么, 如果你更喜欢这门课而不是与之冲突的那门课, change the "Action" of the registered course (the first column in the Current Schedule section) from "None" to "DROP " by using the pull-down menu. Then, re-enter the CRN of the course you want in the "Add Class" section, and "Submit Changes."

最长使用时数: 你可以通过互联网注册最多18个学分. 可能会增加额外的学分, 在校规的指导下, 去注册办公室办理.

类限制: 注册是基于你计算的课程水平. 如果您认为您所记录的班级级别有错误, please contact the 注册商's Office so that it may be determined if an override may be placed on your record.

程序限制: 注册是基于你所注册的学习项目. To register for the course you must seek approval from the department chair and submit a 登记 Restriction Override Form to the 注册商's Office so that an override may be placed on your record.

校园的限制: 注册是基于你所注册的学习项目的校园. To register for the course you must seek approval from the department chair and submit a 登记 Restriction Override Form to the 注册商's Office so that an override may be placed on your record.



  • Select Student Services; then
  • 登记; then
  • Register and Add/Drop Classes; then
  • 类搜索

在搜索界面中, 您可以使用一个或多个标准来搜索课程, 但是必须选择至少一个主题才能使用搜索机制. 选择多个主题:在Mac上, 在选择每个主题时按住键盘上的Apple键. 在个人电脑上,按住键盘上的Ctrl键选择每个主题. Highlight the other criteria on which you want to search and then click the 类搜索 button.

Be patient while the system compiles your search results; it may take a few moments. If you want to stop a search, click the Stop button on your browser to interrupt the process.


一旦你选择了一个或多个主题领域, 你可选择下列一项或多项条件,缩小搜寻范围:

  • 课程: 具体目录课程编号. 您可以使用%作为通配符. 例子:如果你在找所有的400级课程, 在课程后面输入4%,将返回所有以4开头的课程编号.
  • 标题: 具体目录课程名称. 您可以使用%作为通配符来搜索部分标题. 例如:如果你要查找所有带有“孩子”这个词的课程,输入“%child%”,将返回标题中包含“child”的所有课程.
  • 校园: 授课的校园.
  • 部分期限: 不同的项目有不同的开始和结束日期,由部分术语来标识. 例如,为本科生开设的课程被认定为标准全日制课程. Non-Standard Term courses are those that have a start and end date different from the standard term published in the Academic Calendar.
  • 教练: 课程的主要讲师. 您可以通过使用相同的导航选择多个主题来选择一个或多个主题.
  • 属性类型: Special identifiers are attached to courses that fulfill the various elements of the core curriculum. 例如, 查找所有探索课程, 选择探索, 所有被认定满足探索要求的课程将被退还.
  • 时间/天数:您可以将搜索范围缩小到更具体的时间段或天数.

系统将返回与您的搜索条件相对应的类列表. If there is a checkbox in front of the CRN, it means there are still spaces available in the course. 如果CRN前面出现“C”,则表示该球场已关闭. 通过使用屏幕底部的水平滚动条, 您可以查看班级中还剩下多少座位以及其他信息.

从搜索屏幕注册课程, check the box next to the CRN of the course you want and click the Register button at the bottom of the screen. 如果没有冲突,这门课程将被添加到您的日程安排中.

如果您知道您想要在搜索屏幕上注册课程, 确保单击“注册”按钮,而不是“添加到工作表”按钮. The Add to Worksheet button will only put the CRN in the grid in the Add/Drop Class screen; clicking this button will NOT register you for the course.


登录到 U-在线 并选择以下连结:

  • Student Services; then
  • 登记; then
  • Select Variable Credit; then
  • 从下拉列表中选择所需的术语.
  • 单击Submit按钮.

The Select Variable Credits screen will display the courses for which you have registered and the number of credits currently associated with each course. Variable credit courses will display the minimum credits as a default and will have an edit box next to them to allow you to change the number of credits. You may change the number of credits you wish to take as long as it is within the range established for the course and does not place you over your maximum credit hours. 输入新的积分数并选择Submit Changes.

当你在添加/删除页面或时间表详细页面上查看课程时间表时, 新的学时将显示,并将包括在您的总注册学分. 请注意,学时的变化可能会影响您的注册状态, 财政援助状况和费用评估.