A broad perspective on health and bold new course for UNE

The University of New England is at a critical juncture in our evolution. 自2018年启动战略计划以来,我们在多项战略举措上取得了重大进展. 考虑到高等教育普遍面临的严峻阻力,尤其是新英格兰地区,这一进展尤其值得注意. 这些力量在未来几年只会增长,但我们已经做好了迎接挑战的准备. 我们雄心勃勃,永不停歇——一个与我们的社区和更大的世界紧密相连的机构. 看看周围, and you will find UNE students, 教师, and professional staff in places as diverse as 摩洛哥 和冰岛, and in clinics and field sites across our nation’s cities, 城镇, 森林, 和海洋. 你会看到我们从代表各种人类差异的社区的经验中学习. 这些文化, 个人, 地理上的联系反映了我们的社会对世界人民健康的深切尊重和关切, 它的社区, and its physical environment. We combine this concern with a remarkable nimbleness, 灵活性, 创造力, and sense of urgency to make UNE a powerful source of innovation for a healthier planet. It is within this context that we map out our priorities for the next five years.

我们的战略计划的核心仍然是对"健康"的广泛看法,我们的总体目标是使UNE成为主要的教育提供者之一, 专业知识, and innovation for sustaining the health of our world’s people, 社区, 自然环境.

我们正在前进的路上! 即使是对我们的一些成就的简短叙述,也表明了全球网络赌博平台的力量:

  • We offer an exceptional return on our students’ educational investment. 95%的全球网络赌博平台本科生在获得文凭后的一年内开始工作或进入研究生课程. 布鲁金斯学会一直将我们在缅因州所有学院和大学中排名第一,因为我们提高学生职业收入的能力.
  • We prepare students to be culturally fluent members of an increasingly global workforce. UNE undergraduates study abroad at more than four times the national average, spending semesters at UNE’s own campus in 丹吉尔、摩洛哥, as well as at affiliated campuses in Spain, 法国, 和冰岛.
  • We are Maine’s leading provider of healthcare professionals. Offering our state’s only medical school and Northern New England’s only dental school, as well as programs in pharmacy, 护理, and a range of other health professions, 全球网络赌博平台在满足东北及其他地区服务不足社区的医疗保健需求方面发挥着主导作用.
  • We are a national leader in interprofessional health care education (IPE). 研究清楚地表明,当病人得到医疗保健专业人员——医生团队的照顾时,健康状况得到改善, 护士, 医师助理, 物理治疗师, 社会工作者, and others working side by side. 全球网络赌博平台通过让有抱负的卫生专业人员与代表各种卫生专业的其他学生一起学习和工作,为这种合作做好准备.
  • We engage in important research and scholarship. The work of UNE researchers has improved breast cancer detection, led to a better understanding of how the Zika virus spreads, demonstrated how dehumanizing speech leads to violence and discrimination, uncovered how psychiatric medications can cause diabetes and bone fractures in children, and even unveiled the secret lives of sharks. Our success is demonstrated by an 800% growth in external funding over the past decade. Importantly, UNE students directly contribute to groundbreaking research and scholarship. 我们有41%的本科生与教师一起进行研究项目(相比之下,全国平均水平为23%)。, 从事学术研究,从了解疼痛的神经生物学到评估气候变化对缅因州沿海环境的影响,再到了解儿童如何学习阅读.
  • 我们的毕业生拥有现实世界的经验,让他们在第一天就“为工作做好准备”. Virtually all UNE students engage in some form of hands-on experiential learning, 通过实习获得宝贵的学科和跨学科知识和技能, 临床旋转, 服务学习, 以及在社区组织中应用课堂知识的无数其他机会, 企业, 政府办公室, 还有很多其他的工作环境.
  • We are committed to fostering a robust marketplace of ideas. In an era when 社会 has become increasingly divided along partisan ideological lines, 我们营造了一种环境,在这种环境中,艰苦的对话对真正的教育至关重要, challenging members of our community to reach beyond their intellectual comfort zones. Our 全球人文中心, George and Barbara Bush Distinguished Lecture Series, 及校长论坛, 在许多其他事件中, offer venues where a diversity of ideas can thrive through robust, 民间话语.

UNE exemplifies the attributes of a contemporary, visionary, comprehensive university. 我们将继续建立在我们强大的传统和享有盛誉的一系列健康科学项目上. 同时, 我们仍然认识到,创造一个更健康的地球需要的不仅仅是有才能的卫生专业人员. It requires leaders from all disciplines — including the natural and social 科学, 人文艺术, 业务, 更重要的是,将他们多样化和互补性的技能用于应对我们世界面临的最紧迫的挑战. 随着我们的骨科医学院计划搬迁到全球网络赌博平台波特兰校区的健康科学, 我们有一个前所未有的机会,在那里创建一个独一无二的跨专业健康科学校园,同时为我们的比德福德校区创造一个以文科为基础的新愿景, 科学, 商业纪律.

As we reflect on our progress to date, 我们计划的六个优先事项都有一条主线:为学生提供变革性的学习体验. 以这样或那样的方式,直接或间接地,我们所做的一切都涉及到这个总体主题. 在我们将注意力转向战略工作的下一步时,我们必须密切关注这颗北极星.

We will leverage our foundational strengths to:

  • 通过教学创新和改进的技术,扩大积极和协作的教学;
  • Enhance our commitment to experiential learning;
  • Create even more opportunities for students, 教师, and professional staff to work together across academic disciplines and professional programs; and
  • 适应和扩大我们找到的解决方案,以应对当地社区面临的挑战,以应对全球类似的挑战.

Our broad perspective on health requires us to focus on interactions among individuals, 社区, 还有环境. 此外, 它要求我们从许多学科中汲取知识和专业知识,寻找解决世界紧迫挑战的办法. 这意味着学生不仅要接触到深厚的学科知识,还要接触到跨学科的联系. 我们将向学生灌输好奇心和终身学习的动力等思维习惯, as well as professional competencies like productive teamwork and communication skills. Armed with this knowledge and these skills, 全球网络赌博平台的学生将准备好带来最广泛的理解和专业知识,以改善人们的福祉, 社会, 我们的星球.

Inspired by this vision and guided by this plan, 全球网络赌博平台将使学生能够预见和迎接这个新世界的挑战,并成为创造未来的积极领导者.

UNE — for the health of our world.

Two marine science students filling a sampling container with ocean water
A large group of undergraduate U N E students pose together and smile
A student wears a white coat as they work in a lab setting for U N E research