
U-ExCEL is an auxiliary program of the 老年科 that contracts with Piper Shores Life Care Retirement Community to provide fitness and wellness programming and education.

U-ExCEL is a functional fitness program that promotes the broad spectrum of health for older adults living in the Piper Shores community, 包括他们的霍尔布鲁克养老院, 辅助生活, 和记忆护理生活环境). U-ExCEL encompasses individuals’ health and fitness goals along with medical diagnoses to improve or maintain function through the provision of functional fitness techniques including strength, balance, endurance, nutrition, 以及其他支持性健康干预措施.

UNE student research, scholarship, and training are advanced at U-ExCEL sites. 


U-ExCEL was named the winner of the 2010 and 2012 Maine Governor’s Council for Physical Activity Award in the Special Populations Category. 虽然这个委员会已经不存在了, U-ExCEL has advanced its techniques and high standards in working with older people. Below are some of the different programs offered through U-ExCEL.


以下每周在家锻炼都是免费的. Each workout includes three classes — 力量和平衡, 核心动力, and Sit and Fit. There is a PDF of instructions for each class as well as links to corresponding YouTube videos. 每次锻炼都提供三种基于能力水平的选择.



The 平衡 program is an evidence-informed balance enhancement program for anyone wanting to improve their balance, stability, 减少跌倒的危险. 平衡 has an easy-to-use manual that was designed with the assistance of older adults and those with vision impairments. The manual is available in audio, video, and print (including large print) formats.


This is a flexible — yet structured — one-on-one program for older adults regardless of level of ability. It encompasses the individual’s health and fitness goals along with their functional abilities to improve or maintain physical function. In addition, At "HOME" has a component for corresponding with residents’ primary care physicians so communication about exercise participation is known to the health care providers. “HOME”还包括家庭护理伙伴.

Sit and Fit

This group chair exercise program works muscles from head to toe to improve strength and 灵活性 while in a sitting position. This is a perfect program for people with balance issues or who may be wheelchair reliant. 每节课都以热身开始,以降温结束.


This group exercise program addresses core body strength and utilizes weights to work on upper and lower body strength. A segment of the class is dedicated to conducting balance exercises. 每节课都以热身开始,以降温结束.

Health W.I.S.E(健康即自我赋权)

This group discussion class shares information on healthy eating and exercising. 主题包括阅读食品标签, motivation, 目标设定, 如何明智地选购食品和减肥.


This 30-minute strengthening class focuses on abdominal muscles, the back, hips, and buttocks. The routine for the class is floor-based exercises (do not be discouraged by this) to help strengthen the essential muscles used for balance, stability, and posture.


This 30-minute upbeat, dance experience is body-charging, foot-stomping fun set to music. The class is designed to provide a full cardiovascular workout, 通过让心脏跳动,产生一些身体热量. 不需要舞蹈经验或节奏感.


这个45分钟的课程缓慢,优雅,平静. It can provide many health benefits including balance improvement, 减压, 缓解关节炎疼痛. Tai Chi for arthritis is an evidence-based fall prevention program recommended by the CDC.


A water class is designed for walking and incorporating different variations to involve the entire body. Participants are able to follow along easily while working on strength, 灵活性, 以及心血管成分.


A water class designed to incorporate a multitude of variations that engage the whole body. 它的速度更快,比水走更费劲. 这些锻炼包括心血管锻炼, 活动范围, 灵活性, 肌肉强化.


These 90-minute individual appointments review medical health history, 药物, 个人健康目标. Baseline measures such as heart rate, 灵活性, strength, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, etc., are measured and applied to design a personal exercise program. The program may be shared with the individual’s Primary Care Physician upon request.


根据体能评估(上文), the 个人锻炼计划 is a component of the At “HOME” Program, 而是一个独立的项目. Individuals opting for the 个人锻炼计划 have a Fitness Assessment and a 个人锻炼计划 designed that is goal-specific. The individual then conducts his/her own program without further supervision. The program may be shared with the individual’s Primary Care Physician upon request.