
Does the ocean hold the key to your success? A truly unique major that combines study in business 海洋科学s, UNE’s B.S. 海洋创业 allows you to nurture passions and career aspirations simultaneously. 我们的海滨校园, including a mile of coastline and a private island just off our shores, is the ideal environment for you to explore the intersection of business, 管理, 经济学, 海洋科学. 让新的海洋经济为你服务吧.


具有体育管理学位, I get an automatic minor 工商管理, so I am learning sports 管理 and business at the same time. 他们合作得很好. 这是我想做的一切.

业务 Administration, 体育领导与管理


距离海洋只有几英尺, our 海洋科学中心 is an ideal hub for research, housing an array of Ocean Clusters that focus on sea vegetables/seaweeds, aquaponics”, 水族馆科学, and other areas related to the marine industry.

  • 这是美国唯一的同类项目.S.
  • Makerspace for innovative ideation and prototype development
  • University-owned island and research vessels
  • 动手,创新的商业方法
  • 绿色学习社区 for integrated study of environmental issues
  • Student Innovation Challenge (idea-stage competition)


Fuse your newly acquired knowledge of marine sciences and business in imaginative ways through research in the 海洋科学中心 和我们的项目 Makerspace. By combining these experiences with internships that expose you to marine industries and develop your business acumen, you can set your sails for success as a marine entrepreneur.

Marine 创业 majors may explore a wide variety of professions, including:

  • 可持续业务开发/顾问
  • 生态旅游协调
  • 气候变化分析师
  • 渔业生物学家
  • 水产养殖技术
  • 海鲜代理
  • 海洋政策顾问
  • 环境及海事律师

Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, 职业建议 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.


of 大学生就业 or 在持续的高等教育中 毕业后一年内


在缅因州 找工作

Zippia 2023



There are many ways you can navigate this major. The following are just some examples of the fascinating courses that the Marine 创业 major offers:

  • 探索海洋环境
  • 创业
  • 环境经济学
  • 海洋生物学
  • 创建社会企业
  • 海洋经济


BUAC 201 -财务会计3
BUEC 204 -微观经济学3
BUEC 390 -环境经济学3
BUFI 315 -财务概念和技能3
BUMG 120 -科技创新3
bum200 -管理3
组织行为学 or bumg302 -人力资源管理 or bumg307 -运营管理3
BUMG 313 -社会创新 & 之间 or BUMK 312 – 创业/Small 业务 Management3
BUMG 495A – 业务 Administration Internship or mar495 - Adv海洋科学实习3
bum498 -战略管理 or mar410 -海洋科学研究3
BUMK 200 -市场营销3
MAR 105/105L – Eco/Evo of Marine Organisms w/Lab满足核心要求的学分
MAR 106/106L – Biology II of Marine Organisms w/Lab4
MAR 150/150L – 探索海洋环境 w/Lab4
MAR 250/250L -海洋生物学带实验室4
MAT 150 -生命科学统计学满足核心要求的学分
Two (2) Biology/Marine Program Electives (see below)6–8
200级两(2)门课程 or above with the prefix MAR, MAF, GIS, BIO, OBI (formerly ORM), SLM (formerly SRM), PSC, or ENV6–8
Open elective courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)变量


BIO 221 -水产养殖原理3
BIO 222/222L – Finfish/Shellfish Culture Techniques w/Lab4
MAF 210 -介绍美国.海洋治理3
Maf 310 - u.S. 海洋及海岸法3
MAR 316 -科学与社会3
MAR 331 -鱼类生物学4

学生 in this major can participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation tracks.

要了解更多有关该计划的信息,请访问 学术目录.

要了解有关该计划的更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.


第一年业务, 通信, 体育领导与管理, and Marine 创业 majors are able to participate on a competitive basis in the 绿色学习社区 (GLC). The GLC is an intentional community of professors and first-year students dedicated to studying human relations to the environment through many ways of knowing. You will study environmental issues through the integrated lenses of biology, 文学, 环境研究, 和经济学.


We offer qualified students the option of graduating with Honors. 这包括重要的研究, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member. Interested students should consult with their advisor.

Meet Jillian, Marine 创业 graduate


UNE’s Marine 创业 major allows you to interact with people from marine communities in order to address real-world problems and consider real-world solutions. Make your idea a reality by creating a device prototype in our Makerspace. You may even enter your solution in UNE’s Student Innovation Challenge, 全校范围的创意舞台比赛. From hands-on research in the lab to exciting internships in the field, you’ll be doing far more than getting your feet wet.


UNE provides a breadth of research opportunities not commonly offered to undergraduate students. So whether you’re interested in fighting the effects of neurotoxic algae, exploring ways to use the invasive green crab as lobster bait, or using tidal energy to increase the productivity of oyster production, 我们有一个研究项目给你. 


We offer rewarding internships with industry partners, including:

  • 比德福德中美合作商会
  • Saco河鲑鱼俱乐部和孵化场
  • 西蒙顿湾公司.
  • 害羞海狸鳟鱼孵化场有限公司.
  • 拉公司
  • Pentair水生生态系统
  • 海洋生态栖息地公司.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 中国科学院实习办公室 Marine 科学s contact, Cynthia Simon at (207) 602-2540 or csimon@skygame168.net.



Study Marine 创业 on the other side of the world by taking part in our 全球教育计划.

世界在你的掌握之中. At UNE, your opportunities for study abroad are rich and plentiful. 花一个学期 冰岛西班牙法国,或 全球网络赌博平台在摩洛哥的全球校区. 从几个较短的中选择 旅游的课程 可以带你去伯利兹, 墨西哥, 巴拿马, 古巴, 加拉帕戈斯群岛, 或者许多其他令人兴奋的地方.

对出国留学感兴趣? 和你的导师一起制定一个计划.