Tom Klak




副总统 & 基因保护主席, Maine Chapter of the 美国栗子基金会

Science & 技术委员会委员, 美国栗子基金会





  • Eco-resilience
  • Ecology
  • 基因工程
  • Genomics



If you'd like a copy of any of these publications, please email me:

学生合著者加入 italics.

2021. 托马斯•Klak 艾伦施皮尔威廉·鲍威尔. 2021. “Breakthrough: Transgenic Pollen in Less Than a Year” Chestnut: The Journal of 美国栗子基金会 Vol. 35, No. 3(秋天),页.27-29.

2021. 托马斯·克拉克和 Vernon Coffey, “Is Controlled Pollination Really Controlled?” in Chestnut: The Journal of the 美国栗子基金会, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 31-33.

2020. 郭德明、许云远、 泰勒·里恩多和安德鲁·格拉马斯, “Comparison of Four Methods for Non-Destructive Testing of Chestnut Seeds for Oxo Gene Activity” in Chestnut: The Journal of the 美国栗子基金会, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 31-34.

2018a Klak, Thomas “Planting Pure American Chestnuts on Wild and Remote Long Island, Maine” Chestnut: The Journal of the 美国栗子基金会 春天,32 (1)12 - 14

2018b Klak, Thomas “Preserving and Making Accessible American Chestnut Biodiversity in Maine” Chestnut: The Journal of the 美国栗子基金会 冬天,32 (2)10 - 12

2018c Klak, Thomas “TACF-Landowner Partnerships: An Unfolding Story from Maine” Chestnut: The Journal of the 美国栗子基金会 秋天,32 (3)10 - 12

2017. 柯林斯特蕾西, 克里斯Indorf, 托马斯·克拉克, “Creating regional consensus for starting school later: A physician-driven approach in Southern Maine”, Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, Vol. 3, pp.479–482

2017. 诺亚Perlut, 托马斯•Klak and Eldar Rakhimberdiev “Geolocator data reveal the migration route and wintering location of a Caribbean Martin” 《威尔逊鸟类学杂志. 第129卷,No. 3, pp. 605–610.

2016. 托马斯·克拉克和 约瑟夫Simonowicz, “Relationships between World Heritage Sites and their Contiguous Communities: Cross-Scale Analysis and Dominica Case Study,第1章: Global Change and the Caribbean: Adaptation and Resilience. 巴克,D., D. 麦格雷戈T. 爱德华和K. Rhiney(编辑). Kingston, Jamaica:  University of the West Indies Press.

2016. Edward L. Jackiewicz 托马斯·克拉克 “Mass and Alternative Tourisms in Latin American and the Caribbean” in 拉丁美洲排名: 当代地理学主题. (Third Edition) Ed Jackiewicz and Fernando Bosco (editors). 兰哈姆,马里兰州:罗曼 & 李特佛尔德.

2016. 托马斯•Klak “Economic and Geopolitical Vulnerabilities and Opportunities” in 拉丁美洲排名: 当代地理学主题. (Third Edition) Ed Jackiewicz and Fernando Bosco (editors). 兰哈姆,马里兰州:罗曼 & 李特佛尔德.

2014. 托马斯•Klak “World Systems Theory: Core, Semi-Peripheral, and Peripheral Regions,第1章: 《发展研究指南. (Third Edition) Edited by Vandana Desai and Robert Potter. 纽约:劳特利奇,第. 121-127.

2014. 托马斯Klak. “The Importance of Intercultural Engagement in Study Abroad: Experiences in Dominica” 国际议程国际研究所/国际议程 第13卷,No. 2, pp. 14-17 & 23.

2013. 托马斯·克拉克和 艾玛·加拉斯·马拉尼. “Levels and Networks in Community Partnerships: A Framework Informed by our Overseas Partners” Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, Vol 6, pp.1–21.

2013. 托马斯•Klak “World Systems Theory: Core, Semi-Peripheral, and Peripheral Regions,” in: 《发展研究指南. (Third Edition) Edited by Vandana Desai and Robert Potter. 伦敦:爱德华·阿诺德出版社.

2012. Erika D. Nelson 托马斯·克拉克, "Equity in International Experiential Learning: Assessing Benefits to Students and Host Communities". 《棱镜》:区域参与期刊. 1, 2, pp.106-129. 

2012. 托马斯•Klak “Synergy between Geographical Scholarship and Study Abroad Teaching: Dominica’s Farming Communities” 专注地理 Vol. 55, No. 4(冬季)页. 125-131.

2011. 托马斯·克拉克,詹姆斯·威利, 艾玛·加拉斯·马拉尼, Swetha Peteru, Seann Regan, Jean-Yves Merilus包容性的新自由主义?:来自东加勒比农民的观点” 发展研究的进展. Vol. 11, No. 1 pp. 33–61.

2011. 托马斯·克拉克和 艾玛·加拉斯·马拉尼. “International 公民参与: From Development Studies and Service-Learning, 迈阿密大学-多米尼加合作伙伴关系”, 伙伴关系:服务学习期刊 & 公民参与. Vol. 2, No. 1(冬季)页. 1-26.

2010. Swetha Peteru, Seann Regan, 托马斯·克拉克, “Local Vibrancy in a Globalizing World: Evidence from Dominica, Eastern Caribbean” 专注地理 Vol. 53, No. 4(冬季)页. 124-133.




地点: Biddeford & 中美合作所的区域, and various other towns around Maine (Hartland, 曼彻斯特, Stetson, Veazie, Bradley, Hope, Camden, Monmouth, China, Unity, Searsport, Winthrop, Vienna, Phippsburg).

工作职责: Assist with testing seedlings for pathogen resistance via inoculations and ratings. Participate in field performance and phenology measurements of seedlings. Assist with organizing and planting Germplasm Conservation Orchards. Work cooperatively on tasks with other students doing TACF summer research. Assist with tree breeding and seed orchards at several Maine locations (fertilizing, weeding, 灌溉, 库存, fencing, 种植). Assist with testing orchard trees for pathogen resistance via in-situ field inoculations and ratings. Participate in discovery teams searching by ground and air for large surviving American chestnut trees around Maine. Data entry, website maintenance, and chapter membership communications.

补偿: $12/hour, 20 hours/week for 12 weeks (may be full-time contingent on pending grant); some travel and meals may be compensated. You will need to provide your own transportation and task-appropriate clothing and safety equipment (boots, 手套等.).

可选学分实习: If student desires, arrangement can be made to earn UNE credit for an internship or directed study.

监督:  Work performed independently under the supervision of UNE Professor 托马斯·克拉克和 other Maine TACF board of directors.

Dates:  灵活-五月到八月

Application deadline is open until position is filled: Send a cover letter explain how position contributes to your academic and career goals, 和简历, to these TACF Maine Chapter board members: Tom Klak ;  Glen Rea:

For more information please contact Tom Klak, Dept of Environmental Studies, UNE 或访问TACF缅因分会网站: .

