Headshot of Stephanie Nichols

Stephanie D. Nichols, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPP, FCCP

Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, UNE

Psychiatry and Substance Use Disorder Faculty, Maine Medical Center


School of Pharmacy Rm 233
Eligible for Student Opportunities

Stephanie Nichols (she/her), PharmD, MPH, BCPS, BCPP, FCCP是全球网络赌博平台药学院的药学实践副教授, 塔夫茨大学医学院精神病学兼职助理临床教授, MMC/退伍军人事务成瘾医学奖学金的核心教员, 也是缅因州医学中心精神病医师住院医师项目的指导老师.

Dr. Nichols获得了布法罗大学的药学博士学位,并在缅因州医疗中心完成了住院药房实习. 她在全球网络赌博平台获得了公共卫生硕士学位. 她是委员会认证精神科药剂师(BCPP)和美国临床药学学院(FCCP)院士. 

 At Maine Medical Center, Dr. 尼科尔斯和她的学生参与了为精神疾病和物质使用障碍患者提供直接患者护理的工作, responding to psychopharmacotherapy consults, educating patients and healthcare professionals, 参与人口健康工作,包括共同开发订单集, policies, and procedures

Dr. Nichols is extremely passionate about interprofessional care, education, and research, and about reducing stigma around mental illness and SUDs. Research interests follow.

1)制定方案并评估其优化sud患者治疗的能力, prevent development of SUD, particularly in patients with mental illness and/or trauma, 预防和减轻药物相关的医疗问题和副作用.

2) Studying epidemiology of substance use, people with SUDs and related morbidity and mortality, medical and non-prescribed substance use, and psychotropic polypharmacy

3)全球网络赌博平台精神药物和/或医学和精神合并症及相关药物之间的接口的前瞻性调查研究, including drug-drug interactions, drug-disease interactions, and drug-induced diseases or disorders. 

Dr. Nichols has co-authored publications in Pharmacotherapy, The Mental Health Clinician, Psychosomatics, Pain, PeerJ, PLOS One, American Journal of Health System Pharmacy, Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Journal of Maine Medical Center, Pharmacology, Journal of Addiction Medicine, and Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 她曾在美国精神病学药剂师协会(AAPP/CPNP)的全国会议上发言, American College of Clinical Pharmacists (ACCP), American Pharmacy Association (APhA), and throughout Northern New England.

Dr. Nichols是AAPP精神病学评论书的高级编辑,也是缅因州医学中心杂志编辑委员会的成员. 她还担任samhsa资助的美国成瘾精神病学学会阿片类药物反应网络的专家顾问, and on the Maine Opioid Response Clinical Advisory Committee, Maine Prescription Monitoring Program Committee, Maine Medical Professionals Health Program, ACCP Fellowship Selection Committee, Co-Collaborative Serving Maine Board of Directors, Lunder Dineen Time to Ask Advisory Committee, 以及临床和经济评论研究所的新英格兰比较有效性公共咨询委员会. 只要有可能,她就邀请她的临床学生参加这些会议和活动. 



University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of New England


  • Acute care
  • Acute Pain
  • Addiction
  • Addiction education
  • Addiction epidemiology
  • Addiction medicine education
  • Addiction treatment
  • Adult mental health
  • Adult mental health
  • Clinical pharmacology
  • Clinical psychiatry
  • Mental health
  • Mental Health
  • Opioids
  • Perinatal mental health
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Psychiatric drug pharmacology
  • Psychiatric drug toxicology
  • Psychiatric drugs
  • Substance abuse
  • Substance use
  • Substance use disorder

Clinical Affiliations


Core Faculty, MMC/VA ACGME-accredited Addiction Medicine Fellowship

Instructor, MMC ACGME-accredited Psychiatry Residency Program

Board Certifications and Licenses

Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS)

Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist (BCPP)


Post-Doctoral Training

研究生住院医师,缅因州医疗中心(波特兰,缅因州),2006 - 2007年

Certificate, Effective Teaching Practices (Course 50-hours over 25 weeks), Association of College and University Educators, 2017 - 2018

Certificate, Public Health in the Opioid Crisis Leadership Development Program, Maine Medical Association and Maine Quality Counts, 2017 - 2019

2020 - 2021年,汉利健康领导力发展计划XIV班证书


Selected publications

Selected publications follow.​​​​​ 

1. Hyde TF, Bekoe-Tabiri AD, Kropp-Lopez AK, Devia LG, Gutierrez BD, Lara MC, Soto AR, Kaufman DE, Moran MT, Simpson KJ, Shah DT, Foster M, Desrosiers C, Hebert J, Nichols SD, McCall KL, Piper BJ. 缅因州毒品逮捕和管制药物使用的县和人口差异. JMMC. 2021;3(2). Link

2. Eidbo SA, Kropp Lopez AK, Hagedorn JD, et al. 美国医院阿片类药物分布的下降和区域差异. Pain. 2021;10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002473. PMID: 34510133

3. Centanni N, Craig W, Whitesell D, Zemrak Z, Nichols SD. 在接受电休克治疗的患者中抗凝剂的使用和安全性. Ment Health Clin. 2021;11(4):254–258. PMID 34316422

4. Liu JT, Smith KE, Riker RR, Craig WY, McKelvy DJ, Kemp HD, Nichols SD, Fraser GL. 静脉和肠内给药的美沙酮生物利用度和剂量转换影响:一项范围审查. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2021;78(15):1395-1401. PMID 33872344

5. Boyle JM, McCall KL, Nichols SD, Piper BJ. 美国哌替啶使用的下降和明显的地区差异. Pharmacol Res Perspect. 2021 Aug;9(4):e00809. doi: 10.1002/prp2.809. PMID: 34128348

6. Peckham AM, Ball J, Colvard MD, Dadiomov D, Hill LG,  Nichols SD, Tallian K, Ventricelli DJ, Tran TH. 在COVID-19大流行期间,利用药剂师维持和扩大丁丙诺啡供应,以治疗阿片类药物使用障碍. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2021;78:xxx-xxx. PMID 33411894

7. Loskutova NY, Lutgen C, Smail C, Staton EW, Nichols SD, Pinckney RG. Stimulant Prescribing Error Assessment Rubric Development. J Patient Saf. 2020 Sep 8. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000775. PMID 32925567

8. Abrams B, Murray K, Mahoney K, Raymond K, McWilliams S, Nichols S, Mahmoudi E, Mayes L, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Mitchell J, Meguid R, Zanotti G, Bartels K. 胸外科术后出院后疼痛管理——以患者为中心的方法. Ann Thorac Surg. 2020 Jun 1;S0003-4975(20)30780-3. PMID 32497643

9. Badowski ME, Wright E, Bainbridge J, Michienzi S, Nichols SD, Turner K, Wicke C, Awad J, Thompkins A, Martin R. ACCP White Paper在远程保健实践中实施和评价综合用药管理. J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 2020;3:520–531. Link

10. Leung JG, Cusimano JM, Kemp M, Gannon JM, Milgrom O, Valcourt SC, Stoklosa JB, Olsufka W, Vickery PB, Nichols SD, Crouse EL, Paxos C, Johnson EK, Palmer BA. 解决氯氮平处方不足和启动障碍:精神病学家, advanced practice provider, and trainee survey. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2019;34(5):247-256.  PMID 31107831

11. Wolfrum LA, Nordmeyer AS, Racine CW, Nichols SD. 洛哌丁胺相关阿片类药物使用障碍及丁丙诺啡替代治疗的建议.  J of Addict Med. 2019;13(3): 245-47. PMID 30379781

12. Piper BJ, Ogden CL, Simoyan OM, Chung DY, Caggiano JF, Nichols SD, McCall KL. 2006年至2016年美国及领地处方兴奋剂使用趋势. PLoS ONE. 2018;13(11):e0206100. PMID 30485268

13. Piper BJ, Shaw DT, Simoyan OM, McCall KM, Nichols SD.  Trends in medical use of opioids in the United States: 2006 – 2016.  Am J Preventative Med. 2018;54(5):652-660. PMID 29551331

14. Piper BJ, Desrociers C, McCall KL, Nichols SD. 非法和处方药滥用报告缅因州转移警报计划. Forensic Sci Int. 2018;285:65-71.  PMID 29453006

15. Holt T, McCall KL, Cattabriga G, Tu C, Smalley EK, Nichols SD. 利用管制药物收货模式预测处方过量死亡. Pharmacology. 2017;14;101(3- 4):140-147. PMID 29248915

16. Piper BJ, DeKeuster RM, Beals ML, Cobb C, Burchman CA, Perkinson L, Lynn ST, Nichols SD, Abess A.  用医用大麻代替治疗疼痛、焦虑和睡眠的药剂. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2017;31(5):569–575. PMID 28372506

17. Piper BJ, Desrosiers CE, Fisher HC, McCall KL, Nichols SD. A new tool to tackle the opioid epidemic: description, utility and results from the Maine Diversion Alert Program. Pharmacotherapy. 2017;37(7):791-798. PMID 28543168

18. Nichols SD, Bulman M, Tisher A, Campbell J. 一例可能医源性氯胺酮引起的躁狂症患者正在治疗术后疼痛. Psychosomatics. 2016;57(5):543-46. PMID 27614210

19. Nichols SD, Bishop J. 使用氯胺酮治疗难治性抑郁症的证据是否令人信服?  Current Psychiatry. 2016;15(5):48-51.  Link

20. McCall K, Nichols SD, Holt C, Ochs L, Cattabriga G, Tu C.  2014年在缅因州因贩卖处方药被捕的个人的处方监测项目趋势. Pharmacotherapy. 2016;36(6):585-9. PMID 27087386

Invited plenary presentation

1. Buprenorphine and Methadone in Transitions of Care,精神病学和神经病学药剂师学院,达拉斯,德克萨斯州,2020 (emergency conversion to virtual teaching)

2. 缅因州药剂师提供者合作工作组:影响ME的变化, American Pharmacy Association PharmTalk, Seattle, Washington, 2019

3. (upcoming) Mental Health Simulations in Psychiatric Education精神病学和神经病学药剂师学院,德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥,2022年

Research topics

Drug Interactions