Illustration of a clock with a mortar board

UNE Faculty Take Over "The Academic Minute" Podcast

5位全球网络赌博平台教师参加了12月11日开始的“全球网络赌博平台周”活动. 19 to 23

全球网络赌博平台的五名研究人员最近参与了一项为期一周的收购 “The Academic Minute,” 一个每日播客,重点介绍来自世界各地高校的研究人员,他们的学术研究有助于解决世界上最棘手的问题,并为公共利益服务. 

UNE professors 曹玲,M.D., Ph.D., 玛丽莲Gugliucci, Ph.D.托马斯·克拉克博士.D.米歇尔Polacsek, M.H.S., Ph.D., and Sydney Springer, Pharm.D., M.S., were each featured in daily segments from Dec. 19至23日,他们讨论了各自的研究项目和各自领域的发展趋势.

所产生的 WAMC, the show is hosted by Dr. 林恩Pasquerella, president of the Association of American 大学 and Universities, and airs on 70 stations around the United States and Canada.

Listen to our researchers’ segments below, 并阅读更多全球网络赌博平台他们的工作和对全球网络赌博平台社区的贡献. Transcripts are available for each episode.

Ling Cao: Models for Discovering Methods to Reduce Chronic Pain

曹玲,M.D., Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Biomedical 科学s

Ling Cao is a professor of immunology 在联合国内部 College of 整骨疗法的医学, whose research focuses on chronic pain. 她的实验室研究探索损伤性神经性疼痛和HIV感染相关的神经病变,目标是确定改善疼痛管理的策略.

Prior to joining UNE COM in 2007, 曹女士在北京医科大学完成临床医学培训,随后获得博士学位.D. training at the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY Albany). 后来,她在罗切斯特大学医学中心和达特茅斯-希区柯克医学中心完成了博士后培训.

In her time on “The Academic Minute,” Cao discusses her research findings that a molecule known as CD40, found on microglia cells in animals, can contribute to the maintenance of neuropathic pain.




玛丽莲·R. Gugliucci的研究考察了老年人的功能、跌倒和本体感觉. At UNE, she is a professor and the director for Geriatrics Education and 研究 在联合国内部 College of 整骨疗法的医学. 她还负责全球网络赌博平台面向老年人的U-ExCEL健身和健康项目.

Gugliucci是全国骨科医学教育者协会的成员, the American Geriatrics Society, the Gerontological Society of America, the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education, and the 缅因州 Gerontological Society.

在“学术一分钟”中,古古里奇讨论了她所称赞的目标和成功 48-hour hospice immersion program, 被称为“在生活中学习”——这是任何医学院都独有的项目——在这个项目中,医学生要在临终关怀机构中度过48小时, where they are active participants in patient, 家庭, 还有死后护理, and record their experiences.


Thomas Klak: Reintroducing Chestnut Trees to Improve Biodiversity

Thomas Klak poses with an American chestnut seedling

汤姆·克拉克博士.D., is a professor in the School of Marine and Environmental Programs who is on a mission to foster the comeback of the American chestnut tree, 这棵树在上个世纪被一种意外进口的真菌枯萎病摧毁了,如今仍在杀死仅存的几棵树.

克拉克的研究重点是通过培育与小麦基因杂交的耐真菌疫病栗子幼苗来恢复关键物种, 哪一个 protects the plants from the blight.

A special permit from the U.S. 农业部(USDA)允许UNE种植秧苗以生产耐枯萎病的花粉, 全球网络赌博平台是新英格兰地区唯一一所有学生和他们一起工作的大学.

在播客上, Klak讨论了巨大的努力——包括许多使他走到这一步的研究伙伴关系——以及其他促进生物多样性的努力.




米歇尔Polacsek earned both her M.H.S. in international public health and Ph.D. 约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院公共卫生专业的教授.

At UNE, she serves as director of the Center for Excellence in Public 健康, 一个跨专业的研究合作,致力于促进缅因州和其他地区的卫生公平.


在播客上, she discusses findings from her 最新研究, 哪一个, with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, sought to limit harmful digital food and beverage marketing to students.


Sydney Springer: Working with Doctors on Deprescribing

Portrait of Sydney Springer

Sydney Springer, Pharm.D., M.S., 是高级药学实践经验(APPE)学生在门诊护理的导师 全球网络赌博平台药学院. 她在不伦瑞克的中部海岸医疗集团家庭诊所工作, 缅因州.

Springer works closely with providers, 护士, 医疗助理, and social workers to coordinate care for community dwelling patients, with a focus on geriatrics, 复方用药, 和deprescribing.

On the “The Academic Minute,” Springer discusses the growing practice of “deprescribing,“在药物的风险超过继续服用药物的好处的情况下,在监督下停止或减少药物的过程。. 这种做法旨在减少给患者带来风险的药物.



Credit for audio goes to WAMC/NPR. 《全球网赌十大平台》的制作支持来自美国学院和大学协会. 一个的 Office of Communications provided additional audio and technology support for this project.