



Program Director, 海洋与环境学院



Climate change promises to be one of the defining environmental and social problems of our lifetime, and the topic of climate change will grow ever more relevant as we move into the future. The interdisciplinary minor in 气候变化研究 is committed to educating tomorrow’s leaders in the science, 影响, 以及气候变化的解决方案. This interdisciplinary program of study seeks to engage students with an understanding of climate change from diverse perspectives — scientific, 政治, 心理, 经济, and 道德 dimensions of the problem and its solutions — and prepare them for a myriad of professions that directly or indirectly relate to understanding, 打击, 适应气候变化.


The interdisciplinary minor in 气候变化研究 engages students in understanding climate change from diverse perspectives, 帮助他们检验科学, 政治, 心理, 经济, and 道德 dimensions of the problem and its solutions. It prepares them for a myriad of professions that directly or indirectly relate to understanding, 打击, 适应气候变化.


A student may minor in 气候变化研究 with the approval of the academic directory. 完成这门辅修课程, students are expected to successfully complete the following course of study:

ENV 208 – Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions3
能源与气候变化 or 气候变化的物理基础3–4
SOC 227 -气候变化与社会3
ENV 250 – Environmental Policy in Comparative Perspective3
ENV 362 – Climate Change Adaptation: Planning and Policy3
maf300 -气候变化,海洋和法律3
MAR 316 -科学与社会3
PSC 201 -国际关系概论3
PSC 205 – Introduction to Politics and Environment3
PSC 306 -环境政治3
生物235/235L -冬季自然史带实验室4
BIO 413 -全球变化生态学3
BIO 422/422L -珊瑚礁带实验室4
ENV 318/318L – Advanced Field Methods in Avian Ecology and Conservation w/Lab4
ENV 328 – Environmental Pollution: Ecosystems, Wildlife, and Human 健康3
maf200 -海洋污染概论3
MAR 270/270L -海洋学带实验室4
MAR 368 – Advanced Oceanography II: Physical and Chemical Oceanography3
MAR 436/436L -冰岛自然史,带实验室4
MAR 460 – The Scientific Basis for 全球 Climate Change3
mar464 -极地生物学3
Select One (1) Social 科学s and Humanities Elective**学分
BUEC 390 -环境经济学3
BUEC 395 -生态经济学3
ENV 321 – Environmental Communication: Expert Practices for Environmental Management3
ENV 328 – Environmental Pollution: Ecosystems, Wildlife, and Human 健康3
ENV 340 – Environmental Movements and Social Change3
ENV 344 -环境伦理3
PHI 202 -科学技术伦理3
PHI 330 -环境哲学3
SOC 210 -流离失所的文化和社会3
SOC 226 -环境社会学3
SOC 265 -社会问题/问题全球世界3
SOC 320 -社区组织3
SOC 377 -国际发展3

*Course Designators vary by major and include but are not limited to ENV 295/495, 小组300/400, PSC 411, SOC 300/400, SPT 395.

**Internship Opportunities (Optional): 实习 may substitute for one (1) of the above elective courses, subject to advisor and internship coordinator approval. The internship must deal explicitly with some aspect of climate change science, 缓解, 或适应.


  • Evaluate the issues and conflicts surrounding climate change from multiple perspectives, 包括科学, 地理, 政治, 经济, 社会学, 心理, 道德, 以及文化视角
  • Explain and quantify the 影响 of climate change on human well-being and the natural world
  • Think critically about the uneven distribution of climate change responsibility, 影响, 脆弱性, 适应能力, 以及个人之间的政治权力, 社会, 一代又一代, 和物种
  • Identify options for preventing further climate change (缓解) and reducing 影响 of change on human and natural systems (adaptation)
  • Analyze and critique policy issues related to global warming
  • 应用 a practical understanding of climate change 影响, 缓解, 适应他们的专业工作


Courses completed at another accredited college can be transferred to this degree program. Transferred courses must be reasonably close in scope and content to the required courses offered at UNE in order to count as exact equivalents. 否则,他们可以作为普通选修课.

All courses completed must be no older than five (5) years. 


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


The minor in 气候变化研究 is open to all undergraduate students at the University of New England. Permission from the student’s advisor and the 气候变化研究 coordinator is required to enroll.



随后几年的学费和费用可能会有所不同. 其他费用包括书本费和住宿费. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the 财务信息 本目录部分.


本目录概述了学术课程, 度标准, 政策, and events of the University of New England for the 2024–2025 academic year and serves as the official guide for academic and program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
The University of New England reserves the right to modify its programs, 日历, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. 这包括对课程内容的修改, 类重新安排, 取消, 或任何其他学术调整. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year and for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.