
的 UNE 海洋事务-缅因州法律3+3 Pathways Program allows you complete your undergraduate 和 law degrees in a total of six years.

As a qualified UNE undergraduate, this track enables you to obtain the J.D. degree by substituting the courses taken during the first year of law school for the final year of the Marine Affairs degree. This joint program will allow you to eliminate one academic year of undergraduate education, 节省一年的全球网络赌博平台学费, 和 enter your chosen profession one year early.


To be the first to experience [the 3+3 program] 和 work toward being a lawyer while still being an undergraduate student feels like an incredible accomplishment.” — 伊莎贝拉·杜贝(海洋事务,1924年)


In order to be eligible for graduation from UNE under this joint program, you must:

  • Meet with the Marine Affairs academic advisor during your second year 和 continue to meet with this advisor every semester of the program.
  • 提交 application for the 海洋事务-缅因州法律3+3 Law Pathways Program 在第二年的6月1日之前
    • 申请表格可于网上索取 和 from the Marine Affairs academic advisor. 接受ance into the program requires a 3.5 G.P.A. in the Marine Affairs major 和 a letter of support from a faculty member.
  • Successfully complete all required courses of the B.A. 海事事务 at the University of New Engl和 (except for general elective requirements) by the end of your junior year. A sample pathway through the Marine Affairs major is available from the Marine Affairs academic advisor.
  • 保持本科学历.P.A. of 3.5.
  • Be accepted into 和 attend the University of Maine Law School directly after your junior year
  • Earn a grade of C- or better in all courses of the 1L curriculum (please refer to the 缅因州法律网站 查找1L课程).
  • Transfer the courses back to the University of New Engl和

接受ance into the 海洋事务-缅因州法律3+3 Law Pathways Program does not guarantee acceptance into the University of Maine Law School.


BUEC 390 -环境经济学 or BUEC 395 -生态经济学3
CHE 110/110L – General Chemistry I w/Lab or CHE 130/130L – Principles of Chemistry w/Lab4
GIS 161 – Fundamentals of Geographic 信息rmation Systems3
MAF 200 – Introduction to Marine Pollution3
MAF 210 -介绍美国.S. 海洋治理3
MAF 310 -海洋和海岸法3
MAF 320 -实习3–12
MAF 400 -海洋事务顶点3
MAR 105/105L – Introduction to Ecology/Evolution of Marine Organisms w/Lab满足核心要求的学分
MAR 106/106L – Introduction to Cellular/Molecular of Marine Organisms w/Lab4
MAR 150/150L – Discovering the Ocean Environment w/Lab or MAR 270/270L -海洋学带实验室4
MAR 250/250L -海洋生物学带实验室 or MAR 350/350L -海洋生态学带实验室4
MAR 316 -社会科学3
垫150 – Statistics for Life 科学s or MAT 170 -函数的应用满足核心要求的学分
PSC 125 -理解法律 or PSC 210 -宪法3
Select One (1) Course from the List Below学分
cmm210 -了解媒体3
CMM 240 – Social Media: 的ory 和 Practice3
CMM 305 – Public Relations in the Digital Age3
EDU 202 – Curriculum 的ory 和 Design3
ENV 321 – Environmental Communications3
SPC 100 -有效的公共演讲3
WRT 233 – Professional 和 Technical Writing3
WRT 317 -提案和拨款写作3
Select One (1) Course from the List Below学分
BUMG 303 – Management of Non-profit Organizations3
BUMG 311 – 业务 和 Society Relations3
BUMK 200 -市场营销3
BUMK 310 -广告3
OBI 335 – Outdoor Recreation Planning 和 Policy (Formerly ORM 335)3
SOC 226 -环境社会学3
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)变量

*Must take MAR 105/105L as Lab 科学 Course 垫150 or MAT 170作为数学课程


A minimum grade of C- must be achieved in all science, 数学, 和 Marine Affairs courses used toward graduation in any of the programs in the Department of Marine 科学. A 2.00 cumulative average in sciences is a requirement for graduation in any of the programs in the School of Marine 和 Environmental Programs.


学生 have a maximum of seven (7) years to complete the graduation requirements

学生 in this major can participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation tracks.