英国东北大学学生Katie Bergin的照片

的 文理学院 Internship Office helped me set up my learning outcomes and support with time management.


【全球网赌十大平台】项目 是直截了当的,很有帮助吗. [Through the CAS Internship Office] you get to see progressively how you're doing and it makes you realize there's a purpose behind what you're doing rather than just a job.


I really appreciate the opportunities that UNE allows for students to participate in internships.

Headshot of U N E student Anika Koopman

This internship allows me to see the unique ways modern technology can be used in [treatment] techniques. I can learn about the equipment [used] to evaluate new clients and the tools during adjustments, which are all connected to my neuroscience major.

Applied Social and Cultural Studies, Neuroscience
Headshot of U N E student Ashlee Griffith

My internship has helped me know for sure that I am on the right track of doing what I love.

动物行为, Marine 科学s (Marine Biology Track)

的 CAS Internship Office has been extremely helpful in helping me find an internship that suits me. I was able to describe what I was looking for in an internship and they helped me find a site that provided me with that experience.

Headshot of U N E Marine 科学s student Elena Shipley

All of my classes on the marine track have been really great. I can apply a lot of that knowledge to my internship.

动物行为, Marine 科学s (Marine Biology Track)
东北大学学生Will Szumita的大头照

My UNE education is helping my internship, but my internship is also helping further my education. A lot of the stuff that I am learning this summer, I'm very excited to take back to school with me and talk to my professors about.

动物行为, Marine 科学s (Marine Biology Track)
My internship has helped me tremendously already. Not only did I meet great people that I plan on keeping in contact with, it gave me incredible hands-on experience that I can use on my resumé for future job applications. 

My internship experience will help me moving forward mostly on the social side of environmental consulting.

环境科学/ M.S. 4+1

I was able to dress and act as historical characters and even learned how to fire a musket!


I am grateful that UNE provides internship opportunities for students while they’re in school because it provides on-the-ground experiences that you aren’t able to get in the classroom.

Sociology, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies

I took a sport marketing class where we had to create a new promotional concept for the Portland Seadogs baseball team...[eventually], I got a call saying that they would like me to be an intern for the upcoming season. I’m so thankful to my professors and UNE for allowing me to have these unique opportunities.

工商管理, Sport Leadership and Management

UNE offers a lot of hands-on experience — there is a focus on internships. Professors want you to do more than one because they want you to have the hands-on experience to figure out exactly what you’re interested in.


From my summer internship experience, I realized that I really enjoyed the outreach part of the job. I liked finding ways to make these issues matter to the general public.

Mackenzie Deveau

I really, really loved my internship [at Planned Parenthood]. I learned so much about advocacy work and how challenging it can be. It steered me in the direction of women’s rights law, which is what I’m leaning towards now.

Political 科学, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies

I am 100% positive that I would not be in this amazing position without my internship.


My internship opportunity has given me the chance to get out on the road, and practice the entire video production process from start to finish, more than just [completing] video assignments from a class. 
